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When it comes to tomatoes, the familiar image immediately comes to mind.

When it comes to tomatoes, the familiar image immediately comes to mind. But here I see a black tomato, or its color varies according to the angle you look at it. From a certain angle, it has a deep purple color, which is roughly the same as the color of eggplant. But it tastes delicious, more delicious than red tomatoes. It is dark in color and looks dramatic. I think this will be welcomed by chefs who are frustrated by the lack of white plates and colorful salads. If we're lucky, the black tomato may be able to squeeze the square tomato out of the market. The last time I saw Jean-Luc was at the Chaumont Garden Festival, where he was having an exhibition. He designed a perfect vegetable garden. Before the actual operation, he made a scale model on a piece of plywood as a way to explain and promote his vegetable garden. There are many kinds of plants in a four-square-meter area: herbs, flower vegetables, fruit vegetables and root vegetables. Each square metre has a neat border, separated by a short wall of boxtrees. The four square meters are evenly divided by a small gravel road in the shape of a cross. In the middle, at the crossroads of the gravel road, there was a tree, an old olive tree that had frozen to death in the winter of 1956, which was found by Luke. On the farthest side, there is a very realistic model of a vegetable garden covered by a steep spire. Green Gardening with Black Tomatoes (3) Various components are displayed in smaller models in the main display area. Tiny bunches of different colored tissue paper were arranged in rows to represent different vegetables; a layer of gravel represented the road; twigs were used instead of trees; and everything in the garden was in good order, as Gaul sought neatness, order, and symmetry for the books of the Covenant. Let the Frenchman give full play to his talents in this great field activity. The first thing he sought was to organize the structure of the species, and then to consider the requirements of the food, Porcelain Marble Slabs ,Silver Travertine Slabs, so the garden fulfilled both of these missions, both beautiful and edible at dinner. I can't help but admit that this is the vegetable garden I want. So I asked Jean-Luc if he could design a garden like this for us -- a no-frills, bandana-sized piece of land that we could turn into a home for black tomatoes and green turnips. He said he would like to think about my problem when he came back from New York. He and his wife are going to New York for a week. This is their first trip to the United States, and everything is very strange. I bought a map of Manhattan specifically for them. As he looked at the map, I wondered what places he would be interested in? Yeah, where can you send a professional gardener who's visiting New York for the first time? Central Park is the obvious choice. Its size, almost twice that of the Principality of Monaco, would certainly impress Luke. But I am afraid that his gardener's heart will be hurt by the disorder of the park. The road twists and turns at random, unable to find a straight line. Trees are complex and lack of overall planning. He must also take advice not to create a nuisance in the park, from indigestible hot dogs to hooligans wearing roller shoes. But I think he might like some of the naturalistic practices in New York. Along both sides of the main road of the park, there are flowers and plants planted in spring, and there are trees in the sky in the roof garden of millionaires, which can just be seen from the car. As far as vegetables were concerned, he would find them bulkier, glossier and more numerous than he had ever seen before, and there was never an off-season. He will give his first time to a Korean greengrocer. These stores have almost monopolized the vegetable and fruit business in Manhattan. Unfortunately, after exchanging views with fellow experts, although I like Korean ideas very much, it is ridiculous for a Provencal person to discuss the advantages of tender melon without a common language. In the end, I decided to make just one suggestion. If a Luke wants to see greenery being developed, some serious greenery, the Stock Exchange is a good place to go. He looked at the map and shook his head in surprise. I was puzzled by the symmetrical grid of Manhattan's quasi-business district on the map. "I never thought it would be so logical," he said. "It's so easy." "And funny," I said. "Very funny. But you will find that compared with Provence,Grey Marble Slab, the pace here is surprisingly fast and everyone is in a hurry. "Why?" I shrugged. Sometimes that's the only answer. Chapter 14 Provence is still beautiful, and most of its land is still empty and desolate. There is still an atmosphere of peace and tranquility over the valley, although this is a luxury of modern society.
